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L’Administration de l’aéroport de Victoria est assujettie au Règlement sur l’accessibilité du transport des personnes ayant une déficience de l’Office des transports du Canada et aux règlements qui s’appliquent à elle. En vertu de la loi, nous sommes tenus de respecter les sections suivantes :

Partie 1 – Exigences imposées aux prestataires de services de transport

Partie 4 – Exigences applicables aux opérateurs de terminaux

Accessibility Plan Feedback Form

Accessibility Plan and Feedback Process

Victoria Airport Authority Accessibility Plan 2024 to 2027

For us, accessibility and inclusion are about making our airport Better for Everybody.

Our Accessibility Plan is a roadmap to creating and maintaining impactful accessibility for every passenger and employee and has been prepared in accordance with the Accessible Canada Act, its Principles and Regulations, and the Canada Transportation Act (CTA).

This Accessibility Plan outlines the steps we will take to identify, prevent and remove barriers over the next three years and explores short- and long-term commitments to ensure steady progress is always in pursuit.  Progress reports will be provided every year for the next three years to keep you up to date on our journey.

This Accessibility Plan addresses the airport’s policies, programs, practices, and services related to identifying and removing barriers and preventing new barriers and focuses on the following seven key areas as follows:

  • Built environment
  • Transportation
  • Information and communication technologies (ICT)
  • Communication, other than ICT
  • Design and delivery of programs and services
  • Employment
  • Procurement of goods, services, and facilities

Alternate Format Request

Upon request using our Contact Options below, we can provide you with an accessible alternate format (e.g., print, large print, Braille, audio format, or an electronic format that is compatible with adaptive technology) of the following documents:

  • this Accessibility Plan, and or
  • our Feedback Process.

Feedback Process

Use our Contact Options below, if you wish to provide us with feedback about any of the following items:

  • this Accessibility Plan including how we are implementing it,
  • our Feedback Process, or
  • any barriers you may have encountered within our airport.

Whether you are a passenger, employee, or someone who wishes to request an alternate accessible format of this Accessibility Plan or has feedback about this Accessibility Plan or any encountered barriers or accessibility experiences at Victoria International Airport (YYJ), connect with us using our website’s online form below, email, phone, mailing address, or social media links (See Contact Options below).

Let us know who you are or remain anonymous. Whatever the choice, we look forward to hearing from you, providing you with an acknowledgment of receipt using the same method you used to reach out to us (unless sent anonymously without any way of contacting you back), and getting back to you with a prompt response.

Our designated Passenger Experience and Programs Officer will review and keep records of all feedback.

Contact Options

Mailing Address:
Passenger Experience and Programs Officer
Security and Terminal Operations
201-1640 Electra Blvd
Sidney, BC  V8L 5V4

Phone number:

Passenger Experience and Programs Officer
Security and Terminal Operations


Formation à l’accessibilité

As a transportation service provider, certain employees and contracted service provider at the airport are required to complete accessibility training that is appropriate to supporting their role at the airport. Training is a requirement of the Canadian Transportation Agency and its goal is to prepare staff to assist guests and travellers at the airport.


Transports terrestres locaux accessibles

Zones d’aide aux animaux

There are two areas designated Animal Relief Areas located on the landside of the airport.  The first is located just of the entrance doors to Departures Check-in area and the second is located directly across from the air terminal building at Arrivals.  These areas are equipped with waste bags and receptacles.

The Animal Relief Areas are identified on our Air Terminal Building Map.

There is also a designated animal relief washroom located post-security in the lower passenger departures lounge.

Arrivée et enregistrement

Parking lots are located in close proximity to the air terminal building and offer designated accessible parking spaces for people with special needs. These spaces are closest to the terminal building and crosswalks. View our printable Parking Guide – PDF.

Designated curbside areas are available to drop off passengers with reduced mobility.

Air terminal building entrances are equipped with automated sliding doors.

The departures check-in area is equipped with self-service check-in kiosks offering the following features:

  • navigational keypad featuring braille labelling and tactile keys that are operable with one hand
  • a headphone jack with volume control for audible instructions
  • anti-glare touch monitors
  • wheelchair accessible height

Lowered check-in ticket counter ledges have been incorporated into the counters for wheelchair accessibility.

Services de résolution des plaintes et retour d’information sur l’accessibilité

If you have a complaint, concern or comment relating to accessibility, please complete our Contact Form. Select Accessibility Complaint & Feedback in the category field.  A member of our team will contact you to follow-up during regular business hours.  We will reply promptly and will always work to enhance our accessibility at the airport.

Assistance en bordure de trottoir

Victoria Airport Authority’s Curbside Assistance Program supports travellers who require extra assistance to and from their flights.

Curbside assistance is provided by our Passenger Engagement and Safety Officers (PESO) who help persons with disabilities or reduced mobility move through the terminal.

At YYJ, the program is available to departing passengers from the curbside to the airline check-in service counters and for arriving passengers, from the public baggage claim area to the exterior curbside.

PESO’s provide help with baggage and wheelchairs, and guiding assistance for people who are blind or have low vision.  YYJ’s designated curbside assistance drop-off and pick-up area is equipped with accessible seating, signage and an intercom system.  Wheelchairs are available upon request.

The Curbside Assistance Program complies with the Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations and is available 24/7 through the Airport Services Centre (250-953-7511), by making a reservation or by pressing the intercom button upon arrival at the Curbside Assistance area located at the departures end of the curb-front.

To make a curbside assistance reservation in advance, please click here for a link to our Curbside Assistance Reservation Form.

Veuillez noter que si vous avez besoin d’une assistance pour l’ensemble de votre voyage, de l’enregistrement à l’embarquement de l’avion et du débarquement de l’avion à la zone de retrait des bagages, veuillez vous assurer de réserver ces services auprès de votre compagnie aérienne.

Carte de l’aérogare


Laissez-passer pour accompagner un voyageur jusqu’à sa porte d’embarquement

Si vous accompagnez un passager qui a besoin d’aide pour se rendre à la porte d’embarquement, vous pouvez bénéficier d’un laissez-passer d’accompagnement à la porte d’embarquement. Une carte d’accès à la porte d’embarquement permet à une personne d’accompagner un passager à travers le contrôle de sécurité jusqu’à sa porte d’embarquement. Veuillez vérifier à l’avance auprès de votre compagnie aérienne (lien). Vous devrez présenter une pièce d’identité avec photo délivrée par le gouvernement avant de recevoir le laissez-passer et vous serez soumis aux mêmes contrôles de sécurité que les voyageurs. Les compagnies aériennes sont chargées d’administrer le programme avec le soutien de l’Autorité aéroportuaire de Victoria.

Se rendre à la porte d’embarquement et en repartir

Si vous avez besoin d’aide pour se rendre à la porte d’embarquement ou pour moner ou descendre d’un avion, veuillez contacter directement votre compagnie aériennes au moins 72 heures à l’avance afin qu’elle puisse prendre les dispositions nécessaires.

Boucles d’écoute

Nos salles d’embarquement inférieures sont équipées de boucles auditives. Ils sont conçus pour envoyer sans fil le son directement aux aides auditives d’une personne tout en éliminant les bruits de fond.

Liens utiles

Office des transports du Canada (OTC)

Pour en savoir plus sur les services de résolution des litiges proposés par l’OTC ou pour déposer une plainte en matière d’accessibilité, cliquez ici.

Prenez votre voyage en main – Un guide pour les personnes handicapées

Règlement sur l’accessibilité des transports pour les personnes handicapées

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower (Programme Tournesol)

Victoria International Airport is proud to offer the globally recognized Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program providing individuals with a non-visible disability a discrete way of signalling to airport staff that they may require additional support or a little more time or patience during their travel experience.

How does the program work?

Invisible disabilities can come in many forms.  They can be physical, mental or neurological and include, but not be limited to autism, ADHD, cognitive disabilities such as learning difficulties, dementia, mental health conditions, speech challenges and auditory and visual conditions.  They can also include respiratory and chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, chronic pain and sleep disorders. If you or someone you are travelling with has an invisible disability, you may choose to wear the Sunflower lanyard as a discreet way to indicate to our airport staff that you may need a little more help or time when going through the airport processes. Wearing the Sunflower lanyard is voluntary.

Sunflower Lanyard Pick-Up Locations

You can pick up a free Sunflower lanyard at:

  • Customer Service desk in departures check-in
  • Information Desk in arrivals
  • Victoria Airport Authority Office: 8-4 Monday-Friday

If you require assistance during your flight, the airline will be in the best position to assist you, and you should continue to request special assistance services from your airline.

Please note that this program does not allow for special treatment or expedited security screening but is a reminder to airport staff to show extra compassion, allow time for additional assistance, and let those travelling with non-visible disabilities feel comfortable and confident.

Qu’est-cd que Hidden Disabilities Sunflower (programme Tournesol)?



MagnusCards is a smartphone application available for iOS and Android, created by the Canadian company Magnusmode, offering travellers step-by-step visuals, audio, and text how-to’s to make everyday activities more manageable for people of all abilities.

Travellers and their caregivers can the find the free MagnusCards app on the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Printable Victoria International Airport card decks are also available.

Autres caractéristiques d’accessibilité

Un ascenseur permet d’accéder aux bureaux administratifs du deuxième étage et au salon d’observation Eagles Landing du troisième étage.

Tous les distributeurs automatiques de billets sont équipés de marqueurs tactiles.

L’aérogare est équipée d’alarmes de démarrage des tapis à bagages et de feux clignotants.

Sensory Resource Kits

Sensory resource backpack kits contain tactile and sensory items that can provide additional support for autistic and neurodivergent travellers at Victoria International Airport.  
Each kit includes various items, such as noise cancelling headphones, activity book, fidget spinners, squeeze toy and a stuffed toy that encourage self-soothing and can help an individual remain calm in a stressful or overstimulating environment.  
Travellers can pick up a sensory support kit for free at the Customer Service Desk in the Departures Check-in or at the Information Booth in Arrivals. 
Anyone needing accessibility assistance should contact their airline at least 48 hours before their flight. Victoria International Airport’s accessibility services provide additional support for travellers but do not replace air carrier processes for accessibility assistance. 

Voyager avec des enfants

Pour les familles qui voyagent avec des enfants, le site web de l’Administration canadienne de la sûreté du transport aérien (ACSTA) Families | CATSA | ACSTA ( ) contient de nombreuses informations utiles sur la préparation des bagages et les contrôles de sécurité.

Une aire de jeux est située au deuxième étage de la salle d’embarquement des passagers.


L’aérogare est équipée d’une grande signalétique aux couleurs contrastées.

Des panneaux en braille sont placés à l’entrée des toilettes et dans l’ascenseur.


Les toilettes sont équipées de dispositifs d’accessibilité tels que des cabines accessibles aux fauteuils roulants, équipées d’un dossier de siège de toilette, de barres de soutien et de boutons/alarmes d’appel d’urgence, de distributeurs automatiques de savon et d’essuie-tout, de poubelles à des hauteurs appropriées pour l’accessibilité aux fauteuils roulants et d’une signalisation en braille.

Les toilettes sont situées dans toutes les zones de service aux passagers de l’aérogare.

Les toilettes accessibles situées dans la salle d’embarquement inférieure sont équipées d’une table à langer pour adultes et d’un élévateur, de toilettes avec cuvette surélevée et support dorsal, d’un lavabo accessible et de barres d’appui.

Remarque : les passagers doivent apporter leur propre harnais et doivent consulter les restrictions de poids de leur harnais.

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